Welcome to the SiB Circle

Welcome!! I am so excited to have you part of our circle! If you haven’t noticed I have a ‘thing’ for elephants, they are such spectacular creatures and so much of their being resonates with how I view Strong is Beautiful.

Elephants are typically symbolic for wisdom, loyalty, power, and fertility. I would like to point out, those are similar descriptors I would use for women- for we are wise and more powerful than we realize.

Elephant herds are socially complex and are led by matriarchs. There are some fascinating articles that discuss the studies done on various clans to characterize the leadership qualities of their matriarch and how much it impacts the herd’s success. Spoiler alert: there is a significant impact on the herd based on the qualities their female leader possesses. Researchers noticed key elements such as communication, social knowledge, courage and wisdom in times of crisis, compassion and respect as primary attributes for elephant families to survive over time.

Below is an excerpt that eloquently sums up the parallels I wrote about above :) 

“In the wild, female elephants are known as fierce protectors. And when one of their sisters is suffering, they circle up around her. They close in tight, watch guard, and even kick dust around her to mask her vulnerable scent from predators.

And yet, we are the same. This is who we are, and who we are meant to be for each other. Sometimes we’re the ones in the middle. Sometimes we’re the ones kicking up dust with fierce, fierce love. But the circle remains.”  The Festive Farm Co.


hi Friend!