hi Friend!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my little world, I hope you stay a bit, find some information that will serve you well, and become a friend within the SiB Circle.

The best friendships start with an introduction, so Hi…I’m Alison or AB to most. I am what society likes to label an animal loving introvert, so you will find me in my happy place at home baking, studying (I’m working on a Masters in Integrative Medicine), doing “wellness things”, and snuggling my dog Max. This also means, you’ll find me writing blog posts and connecting with my community in more 1:1 spaces before creating content for social media platforms.

I love to share “fun facts” which is really my way of introducing more personal elements or stories, so here are the fun facts that led to the creation of Strong is Beautiful. In 2019, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, it wasn’t quite planned and the spark to this journey is a story for another time. Over the last 5 years, I have learned and unlearned a lot of things, from setting boundaries to breaking free of numbing myself with distractions like food, alcohol, shopping and even work. Through this, the most important lesson was learning that loving myself and showing the love I have for myself through my thoughts, actions, and words is one of the most freeing feelings I have experienced. 

As I experienced this “freeing feeling” and was trying to figure out how I should spend my time contributing to society, I kept coming back to working with women, how strengthening my physical and mental health is a top priority, and how do I blend all of my previous life experiences into something that can benefit others. This is when the concept for Strong is Beautiful was developed. I saw the pathway to bring my training as a martial artist, my love for teaching, all the things I learned from schooling- undergrad in Forensic Science, interning with the Department of Defense, my career in the FBI, and general life experiences all together in a way that could help women. Then I got to work creating, bringing this vision I had to life. 

I feel so much work has been done just to get to this point, and I realize it’s just the beginning. But that work was done behind the scenes and now it’s forward facing, ready to welcome others into the journey with me. So welcome my friend, I hope you enjoy this adventure with me!


Overcoming the Fear


Welcome to the SiB Circle